The Herbalist - - Dipaunka Macrides

Heavy Metal Detox

Heavy Metal Detox Mix (1 Litre )

Heavy Metal Detox Mix (1 Litre )



Price: $135.00

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Heavy Metal Detox Mix - Ingredients List 

All of the herbs listed below are high in any of the following Sulphur, calcium, VitaminC , Magnesium, chlorophyll, zinc, molybdenum, selenium . These minerals , vitamins and compounds chelate heavy metals and remove them from the body.

Bacopa : Bacopa monierri
Burdock root: Articum lappa
Coriander Leaf : Coriandrum sativum
Dandelion Leaf : Taraxacum officinale
Fennel : Foeniculum vulgare
Hibiscus Flowers : Hibiscus rosa - sinensis
Horsetail : Equisetum arvense
Indian Madder : Rubia cordifolia
Mugwort : Artemisia vulgaris
Nettle : Urtica dioica
Sheep Sorrel : Rumex acetosella
St. Marys Thistle : Silybum marianum

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