Church steeples, Cocklebur, Garclive, Liverwort, Philanthropos, Sticklewort, Stickwort
Mild astringent, cholagogue, diuretic,depurative, hepatic, tonic, vermifuge, vulnerary, slight emmenagogue
Tannins, tannic acid, coumarins, flavonoids-glycosides, apigenin, quercetin, polysaccharides, volatile oil, gum, bitter principle, phyto sterols, nicotinic acid, Cholin, citric acid, silicic acid, eupatorin, kaempferol. The aerial parts of the plant contain 4% to 10% condensed tannins, small amounts of ellagitannins and traces of gallotannins. Also 20% polysaccharides. A triterpenoid, ursolic acid, flavonoids luteolin 7-O-β-D-glucosides, Organic acids, vitamin B 1 , vitamin K and ascorbic acid. The fresh herb contains agrimoniolide, palmitic and stearic acids, ceryl alcohol and phytosterols. Seeds contain 35% oil which contains oleic, linoleic and linolenic acids.
Used to stem bleeding and helps clotting of the blood where needed, for diarrhoea and as a digestive tonic. It can also be used with corn silk or couch grass for cystitis and with Horsetail for urinary incontinence. It has also been used for kidney stones, rheumatism, arthritis, hoarseness and sore throats.
Used for protection against all negative energies. Placed under the head to induce " dead " sleep
NB. contains compounds which are MAO - A inhibitors, therefore should not be used by anyone taking SSRI's or antidepressants.