The Herbalist - - Dipaunka Macrides


Latin Name: Smilax officinalis

The root of the sarsaparilla plant is reputed to possess aphrodisiacal properties.

Chemical evaluation of the sarsaparilla root has shown that it includes compounds like sarsasapogenin, sitosterol, stigmasterol, and pollinastanol, several types of flavonoids as well as the saponins like sarsasaponin, sarsaparilloside. Even though the exact mechanism by which sarsaparilla boosts the libido among humans has not been identified, it is thought that the herb contains substances known as phytosterols which are similar to testosterone and which may stimulate the activity of sexual hormones in the body. The action may be helpful in curing impotence and enhancing sex drive among men by optimizing the action of male sex hormones. Among women, sarsaparilla is thought to stimulate the production of yet another hormone progesterone, the lack of which may be responsible for depressed libido.’


Native Americans used sarsaparilla as a tonic for maintaining youth and sexual vigour.  Maximising the action of male sex hormones may also assist with anti-impotence and stamina. '

' Some sources state that sarsaparilla exhibits testosterogenic actions on the body, increasing muscle bulk and estrogenic actions as well to help alleviate female problems. '

‘ Sarsaparilla works as an aphrodisiac for men by treating several disorders of the genitor-urinary system. Unless the body is free from painful genital conditions, it cannot have a fulfilling sexual experience. In traditional Chinese medicine, a species of sarsaparilla, the Smilax glabra was a known remedy of syphilis and was even used to prevent conditions like leptospirosis. Indigenous people of Central and South America have long used the herb to treat syphilis and various other genital infections. According to an interesting anecdote, cowboys in the old west would drink a concoction of sarsaparilla root before making a round of the brothels in an attempt to avoid infections like syphilis and gonorrhea. '

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